Event promotion
The NCEP is responsible for publicizing relevant events and activities that take place on the Oeiras campus. In this sense, one of its main competencies is to ensure the management, organization and continuous updating of the various institutional means of communication, such as the website, emails, CCTV, among other channels. In addition, the NCEP is also in charge of creating and producing content for the campus communication channels, with the aim of keeping the community informed and involved in the initiatives taking place on campus.
- Técnico – Campus Oeiras News and Events
- Facebook Técnico – Campus Oeiras
- Instagram Técnico – Campus Oeiras
- LinkedIn – Técnico Oeiras Alumni Group
In order to guarantee the effective coordination of all internal campus communication and to ensure that publicity is carried out well in advance, the following form should be completed preferably two weeks before the date of the event. Additional multimedia materials should be sent via e-mail to ncep@tecnico.ulisboa.pt.
For events organized by clusters and partnerships, it is possible to advertise via Instagram stories, as long as the official campus profile is tagged.