Innovation, memories and future challenges at INESC-ID’s 25th anniversary celebration

The event was the motto for reflection on the past and future of the research unit affiliated with Técnico.

There was chit-chat, a photo exhibition and a big birthday cake. INESC-ID, a research unit affiliated with Instituto Superior Técnico, is officially a young adult. The 28 January was chosen to gather the past and present community with friends from academia, to celebrate 25 years of defining technology.

The ceremony, held in the Great Hall of Instituto Superior Técnico, was attended by Rogério Colaço, president of Técnico, and Luís Castro, vice-rector of Universidade de Lisboa and Técnico professor, who went on to the stage and shared a few words in recognition of the research work conducted at INESC-ID.

The afternoon was spent reflecting on the work accomplished so far, as outlined by Inês Lynce, president of the Board of Directors at INESC-ID, and looking ahead to the future as addressed by Miguel Pupo Correia, president of INESC-ID’s Executive Committee, both professors at Técnico.

The main challenges of launching a research institute, the innovative management solutions implemented and the memorable incidents that shaped this adventure were highlighted in a conversation with INESC-ID’s first directors, back in the year 2000 – Luís Borges de AlmeidaHelena Sarmento e Arlindo Oliveira –, moderated by INESC-ID’s science writer, Sara Sá.

The afternoon concluded with a chocolate cake decorated with INESC-ID colours and more than one hundred participants singing “Happy Birthday” to INESC-ID.

This text was written in collaboration with INESC-ID.
