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Anniversary of the Oeiras Pole

Inaugurated on November 6, 2000, the campus symbolizes the realization of an innovative vision for the teaching of engineering, science and technology that emerged in Portugal at the end of the last century: the link between the University and Companies.

Every year, its anniversary is celebrated with enthusiasm by the academic community, through various activities involving all its members. Traditionally, congratulations are sung and the birthday cake is cut, a moment of fraternization between students, teachers and staff.

24th anniversary Photogallery
23rd anniversary Photogallery
22nd anniversary Photogallery
21st anniversary Photogallery
20th anniversary
19th anniversary
18th anniversary Photogallery
17th anniversary Photogallery
16th anniversary Photogallery
15th anniversary Photogallery
14th anniversary Photogallery

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