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About NCEP

The main mission of the Communication, Events and Partnerships Center (NCEP) at Técnico – Oeiras Campus is to support the Vice-President responsible for managing the Oeiras campus, guaranteeing the provision of quality services to both internal and external users, within its areas of competence.

The NCEP’s mission is essentially based on the following objectives:

  • Carrying out actions to promote and publicize the School and its training offer to secondary school students;
  • Promote the most relevant activities developed on the Oeiras campus;
  • Establishing business partnerships and fostering relationships between Técnico, the Oeiras campus and companies;
  • Encouraging the involvement of the academic community through institutional initiatives and activities promoted by the Student Groups;
  • Managing the booking of spaces on campus for events and various activities;
  • Contributing to the preparation of activity plans and reports.
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